Confessions of an Adult with Tics

I have tics. Quite a few of them. Eye rolling, neck jerking and twisting, shoulder shrugging, diaphragm muscle tensing-and-releasing, and multiple tics in my legs and feet. My tics happen at various times and during various activities. My leg and feet tics always happen when I’m trying to exercise and when I’m trying to sleep.… Read More Confessions of an Adult with Tics

Anxiety and Loneliness

When you’re lonely, its like you don’t even exist on this earth with everyone else, its like being a ghost. I guess thats why solitary confinement is the worst punishment in prisons, its the most painful place a person can be in. 

If you are feeling lonely, don’t beat yourself up about it. Human interaction is a normal human need. If anxiety is keeping you from getting the amount of human interaction that is good for you, then you are normal for feeling lonely. … Read More Anxiety and Loneliness

Anxiety and Traveling

The OCD wants me to live in a fire-proof, earthquake-proof, intruder-proof room (with a treadmill so I don’t die of inactivity) and never leave.
But even if that would be a safe life, it would be an empty, unhappy, meaningless life.
I have to be willing to risk my life in order to have a happy and meaningful life. I have to fight to do what feels important and meaningful to me.… Read More Anxiety and Traveling

OCD and Religious Certainty

…when someone is sharing their testimony or giving a talk or ending a lesson, it has come to be expected that they will use the words “I know” about everything they say. If not, they appear to others to be on shaky ground spiritually. So, you will hear them say “I know God lives. I know Jesus is the Savior. I know this church is true.”
This was problematic for me for the first several decades of my life…… Read More OCD and Religious Certainty